Template Repository

React Native Template Repository

Getting Started

For detailed installation instructions, select your framework below:

  1. Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/okto-hq/okto-sdkv2-react-native-template-app.git
cd okto-sdkv2-react-native-template-app
  1. Install dependencies:
npm install
  1. Configure your credentials in the app:
// Update the configuration in your app
const config = {
   environment: "sandbox",
  clientPrivateKey: "YOUR_CLIENT_PRIVATE_KEY",
const googleConfig = {


To obtain these credentials:

  • Client Private Key & SWA: Get these from the Okto Dashboard. These keys are essential for authenticating your requests with Okto's services.

  • Google OAuth Credentials: Required for Google Sign-In functionality

    1. Set up a project in Google Cloud Console
    2. Create OAuth 2.0 credentials for each platform:
      • Web Client ID (for Expo Go and web)
      • iOS Client ID
      • Android Client ID
    3. Follow our platform-specific setup guides:
  1. Start the development server:
npx expo start

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