Okto Orchestration Layer


Learn about the Okto Token ($OKTO), its utility, and how to get testnet tokens


The Okto Token ($OKTO) is the native utility token powering the Okto ecosystem. It is designed to play a crucial role in the functionality, security, and governance of the Okto Layer and its various components, including the Decentralized Wallet Network (DWN), Unified Liquidity Layer (ULL), Decentralized Transaction Network (DTN), and the Okto Chain.

Getting Testnet Tokens

For development and testing purposes, you can use Okto Credits (testnet $OKTO). These tokens function as the native fee token on the Okto Testnet, similar to gas tokens on EVM-compatible chains.

To obtain testnet $OKTO for development purposes, please refer to the Okto Faucet Guide.

Need Testnet/Mainnet Funds?

To request funds, please complete the form below:

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