
Rate Limits

To ensure fair usage and prevent abuse, the Okto SDK API enforces rate limits on requests.

  • Request Limit: 1,000 API calls per hour per-client key
  • Applies to: All POST operations
  • Reset Period: Every hour

Error Response

When you exceed the rate limit, you'll receive the following error response:

    "status": "error",
    "error": {
        "code": 429,
        "errorCode": "ER-TECH-0100",
        "message": "Rate Limit Exceeded",
        "trace_id": "678a3f1e00000000ced7e3483989507c"

As per industry standards, a retry-after response header will be included when a rate-exceeded error is encountered. The value of this header indicates the time (in seconds) after which the rate limit restriction will expire. You can retry your request after this period.

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